Holiday Greetings

Free admission

Fast-paced lifestyles, pressure to perform and personal fulfilment influence many people's daily lives. How much are we aware of this, and what does it have to do with us?

In SPOT, Basel artists Nadine Cueni and Stefan Degen explore themes such as happiness, transience, self-care and wastefulness in order to reflect on possibilities for self-reflective actions.

SPOT, Holiday Greetings with Nadine Cueni and Stefan Degen. Photo left: © Meret Vischer, Basel. Photo right: © Nadine Cueni, Basel.


  • Exhibition space
Steinentorberg 20, 4051 Basel
Tram 1, 2, 8, 16, Stop: Markthalle
  • Wheelchair accessible

The Offspace SPOT – space for free curating – in the Markthalle Basel organises exhibitions of contemporary art. The association, formed by artists and cultural workers, offers artists the opportunity to present their works to a wide audience.

Events: SPOT

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