About Kunsttage

Kunsttage Basel (Basel Art Days) is a broad-based, temporary network of museums, art institutions, exhibition spaces, studios, and galleries in Basel and the surrounding Basel-Landschaft region. Annually, around 60 institutions invite the interested public to discover and experience the regional art scene: During three days, a diverse programme of exhibitions and events in the field of modern and contemporary art is accessible for free to all interested parties. Kunsttage connect institutions, artists, and art enthusiasts locally and internationally.

Kunsttage Basel would not be possible without the year-round commitment of independent, state, and commercial art institutions. Through their programmes, these institutions support the local art scene and its diverse manifestations throughout the year. 

The fifth edition of the Kunsttage will take place from 30 August to 1 September, 2024.

Non-profit association Kunsttage Basel

Since 2020, the Kunsttage Basel Association has been pursuing the goal of enabling as barrier-free an experience of art in Basel as possible. The annually organized Kunsttage offer informal encounters, spread out in a decentralized manner, enticing visitors to unfamiliar places and fostering exchange. By emphasizing and utilizing public spaces, the association aims to specifically expand the circle of art viewers, including those who do not primarily engage with modern and contemporary art. The non-profit association Kunsttage Basel focuses on exchange, reflection, and cooperation in the areas of organization, communication, and inclusion.

Board of Directors:
Dorothee Dines, Urs Gloor, Dominique Grisard, Carlo Knöll, Sebastian Kölliker, Daniel Kurjaković, Raphael Suter
Honorary Member: Petra Sigg-Brunner

Contact and Team

Kunsttage Basel 2023

Participants 2023

Antikenmuseum Basel und Sammlung Ludwig | Artachment Art Space Basel | Artstübli | Atelierhaus Klingental | Ausstellungsraum Klingental | Bar Renée | BC Gallery | BKG Basler Künstler:innengesellschaft x Galerie Eulenspiegel | Cartoonmuseum Basel | Contemporary Fine Arts | DOCK Kunstraum, Archiv und Ausleihe | ELEVEN TEN STUDIO | Filiale Basel | filter 4 | Fondation Beyeler | For | Foyer Public Theater Basel | Gagosian | Galerie Carzaniga | Galerie Gisèle Linder | Galerie Henze & Ketterer | Galerie Knoell | Galerie Meyer Riegger | Galerie Mueller | Gallery Ann Mazzotti | Guillaume Daeppen | Gallery & Space for Zines | Hebel_121 | HEK (Haus der Elektronischen Künste) | kHaus | Nicolas Krupp | Kulturstiftung Basel H. Geiger I KBH.G | Kunstforum Baloise Park | Kunsthalle Basel | Kunsthaus Baselland x Institut Kunst Gender Natur HGK Basel FHNW | Kunstmuseum Basel | Hauptbau | Neubau | Gegenwart | Lust*Art | Museum Tinguely | Multi Soft Konstanz | #notfor$ale | PALAZZINA | PF25 cultural projects | Projektraum M54 | PUBLIC ART@FREILAGER-PLATZ #1 | Rappaz Museum | Roxy Birsfelden x Altes Waserreservoir | City SALTS | Sarasin Art | Schaulager, Laurenz-Stiftung | Space25 | Space Durchgang | STAMPA | Villa Renata x Atelier Mondial | VITRINE Basel | Voltage | von Bartha | WABE– Ideenraum für Kunst und Kultur | Weiss Falk | Wilde Gallery | The Woman Art Gallery | <wirdnachgereicht> | Tony Wuethrich Galerie

→ kunsttagebasel.ch

Kunsttage Basel 2022

Participants 2022

Antikenmuseum und Sammlung Ludwig | Artachment Art Space Basel | Atelier Mondial | Atelierhaus Klingental | Ausstellungsraum Klingental | BERNEY FINE ARTS | Cartoonmuseum Basel | DOCK Kunstraum, Archiv und Ausleihe | Filiale Basel | Fondation | Beyeler | Gagosian | Galerie Ann Mazzotti | Galerie Carzaniga | Galerie Gisèle Linder | Galerie Henze & Ketterer & Triebold | Galerie HILT | Galerie Knoell | Galerie Mueller | Genossenschaft Haus Oslo Ateliers | Guillaume Daeppen | Gallery & Space for Zines | Hebel_121 | HEK (Haus der Elektronischen Künste) | KASKO | Kulturstiftung Basel H. Geiger I KBH.G | Kunstforum Baloise Park | Kunsthalle Basel | Kunsthalle Palazzo | Kunsthaus Baselland | Kunstmuseum Basel | Lust*Art x Galerie Durchgang | Meyer Riegger Basel | Museum der Kulturen Basel | Museum Tinguely | Nicolas Krupp | Oreilles Internaxionales | Palazzina | PERIPHERIE 8 | PF25 Cultural projects | Rappaz Museum | Rhythmus Messy Cambio | SALTS | SARASIN ART | Schaulager | space25 | STAMPA | symbiont | Tony Wuethrich Galerie | Villa Renata | visarte region basel Projektraum M54 | VITRINE | Voltage von Bartha | Weiss Falk | Wilde Gallery | <wirdnachgereicht>

→ 2022.kunsttagebasel.ch

Kunsttage Basel 2021

Participants 2021

Amore | Antikenmuseum und Sammlung Ludwig | Artachment Art Space Basel | Artstübli - Urbane Kunst und Kultur | Atelier Mondial | Atelierhaus Klingental | Ausstellungsraum Klingental | BC Gallery | BERNEY FINE ARTS | Cartoonmuseum Basel | der TANK, Institut Kunst HGK FHNW in Basel | DOCK Kunstraum, Archiv und Ausleihe | Filiale Basel | Fondation Beyeler | Gagosian | Galerie Carzaniga | Galerie Gisèle Linder | Galerie Henze & Ketterer & Triebold | Galerie Knoell | Galerie Mueller | Giulietta | Guillaume Daeppen | Gallery & Space for Zines | Hebel_121 | HEK (Haus der Elektronischen Künste) | Kulturstiftung Basel H. Geiger I KBH.G | Kunst Raum Riehen | Kunstforum Baloise Park | Kunsthalle Basel | kunsthallekleinbasel | Kunsthaus Baselland | Kunstmuseum Basel | Laleh June Galerie | LICHT FELD Gallery | Lust*Art | Mayday | Meyer Riegger Basel | Museum Tinguely | Nicolas Krupp | Palazzina | Photo Basel | Pilz Welle Lust | SALTS | SARASIN ART | space25 | STAMPA | Tony Wuethrich Galerie | OFFCUT Basel | Villa Renata | VITRINE | Voltage | von Bartha | Weiss Falk | Wilde Gallery | zur Wand


Kunsttage Basel 2020

Participants 2020

Anne Mosseri-Marlio Galerie |Antikenmuseum und Sammlung Ludwig | Artachment Art Space Basel | Atelier Mondial |Atelierhaus Klingental | Ausstellungsraum Klingental | BC Gallery | BERNEY FINE ARTS | DOCK Kunstraum, Archiv und Ausleihe | Draisinenrennen | Explorers Film Club | Fondation Beyeler | Gagosian | Galerie Carzaniga | Galerie Gisèle Linder | Galerie Henze & Ketterer & Triebold | Galerie Knoell | Galerie Mueller | Guillaume Daeppen | Gallery & Space for Zines | Hebel_121 | HEK (Haus der Elektronischen Künste) | Helvetia Art Foyer | I Never Read, Art Book Fair Basel x Schaulager | KASKO | König Galerie x Claudia Comte | Kulturstiftung Basel H. Geiger I KBH.G | Kunst Raum Riehen | Kunsthalle Basel | kunsthallekleinbasel | Kunsthaus Baselland | Kunsthaus Baselland Dreispitz | Kunstmuseum Basel | Laleh June Galerie | Liste Art Fair Basel | Meyer Riegger Basel | Museum Tinguely | Nicolas Krupp | Palazzina | Rusterholtz Galerie + Auktionen | SALTS | Schaulager | space25 | STAMPA | Tony Wuethrich Galerie | Villa Renata | VITRINE | Voltage | von Bartha | Weiss Falk | Wilde Gallery


Public Projects

In addition to the institutional contributions, selected public projects are regularly presented in urban spaces, inviting artists with diverse geographical, cultural, and artistic backgrounds to participate.

25. – 27. August 2023

As part of the 2023 Kunsttage, a series of multimedia positions on the theme of diasporic sounds were presented. The selected artists explore belonging in their respective diasporas and bridge gaps with their audiovisual works between here and there, past and present, between the experience of being unheard and the long tradition of music as a form of survival and resistance. The works and performances delve into the question of belonging and encourage visitors to listen carefully.

  • Onyeka Igwe, «a so-called archive»
  • Belinda Kazeem-Kamiński, «The Letter» und «Fleshbacks»
  • Michèle Magema, «Sonographies 1 - L’acte de respirer»
  • Maya Schweizer «Vulnérable Witness»
  • Tracy September & Kamran Behrouz, «SEPTEMBER»

Positions were selected by Ines Goldbach, Dominique Grisard, and Nora Lohner ausgewählt.

This project was made possible by the Hans and Renée Müller-Meylan Foundation, Swisslos-Fonds Basel-Stadt and Basel-Landschaft, and the Kulturstiftung Basel H. Geiger | KBH.G.

Sharing Movements, 1. – 4. September 2022

As part of the Kunsttage Basel 2022, twelve selected projects were presented in public spaces under the title "Sharing Movements." The performances, live art events, and spatial interventions took place across the city and neighboring communities, leading to over 15 different locations, including the rehearsal room of the Sinfonieorchester Basel, the ticket hall of the SBB train station, and central squares in downtown Basel. The freely accessible positions by artists of different generations and backgrounds created moments of exchange and contemplation, particularly addressing the connection between nature and culture. "Sharing Movements" showcased works that appeal to different senses and enable shared experiences and encounters for all visitors.

  • Brigham Baker, «Weaving Through the City, Turning Wheels in the Thicket» (2022)
  • Sergio Rojas Chaves, «Houseplants on Tour» (2014/2022)
  • Isaac Chong Wai, «Difference/Indifference» (2022), Basler Münster, Kreuzgang
  • Eveline Wüthrich, «fleuri» (2022) / Sasha van Aalst und Kim Lang, «Bring the flowers back to the table» zu Gast in fleuri, Kunstmuseum Basel, Eingang Garageneinfahrt zwischen, St. Alban-Graben 10 und 16
  • Kollektiv fffff (Mariana Murcia, Laurie Mlodzik, Leah Nehmert), «ffffffferment kiosk» (2022), keck kiosk vor Kaserne
  • Vittorio Santoro, «I was / But I am» (2019/2022)
  • Juliette Uzor, «Eyes Ears Mouth (Half Closed)» (2022), Historisches Museum Basel. Haus zum Kirschgarten
  • Simone Forti, «Huddle» (1961/2022), Schalterhalle Bahnhof SBB / Claraplatz / HEK
  • Camille Boîtel / Cie L’immédiat, «La lévitation réelle», Unterer Rheinweg
  • Revolving Histories/Performance Chronik Basel, VIA Studio
  • «Urban Engendering», Aylin Yildirim Tschoepe, Studierende der HGK FHNW & Universität Basel, Foyer Public Theater Basel

Positions and collaborations were selected by Ines Goldbach, Dominique Grisard, Daniel Kurjaković, and Nora Lohner.

In cooperation with: Theaterfestival Basel, University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland - Academy of Art and Design, Keck Kiosk, Museum der Kulturen Basel, Basel Historical Museum - Haus zum Kirschgarten.

This project was made possible by Swisslos-Fonds Basel-Stadt and Basel-Landschaft, as well as the Kulturstiftung Basel H. Geiger | KBH.G.

Das Mögliche ist ungeheuer, 17.– 20. September 2020

As part of Kunsttage Basel 2020, the project «Das Mögliche ist ungeheuer» ("The Enormity of the Possible") occupied public spaces and freely accessible areas of selected institutions with works by local, national, and international artists of different generations. The curatorial concept aimed to stimulate the experience of art in times of crisis and make public space tangible as a shared social space. The public space, community spirit, the relationship with others, and the body are reflected through the works. The languages of art themselves are tested, the changed orientation of social priorities, and the thresholds and barriers of the art experience are examined. The project took place in public spaces between Basel-Stadt and Münchenstein, involving 11 artists:

  • Yael Bartana, «We shall be strong in our weakness / The Undertaker», TransBona-Halle

  • Eric Baudelaire, «Where are you going?», Aeschenplatz

  • Mariana Castillo Deball, «You have time to show yourself before other eyes», Bau- und Verkehrsdepartement Basel-Stadt

  • Latifa Echakhch,«The Fall», Dreispitzhalle

  • Judith Kakon, «Commons», Dreispitz / Steinenberg / Restaurant Kunsthalle

  • Kimsooja, «Bottari», Münsterplatz

  • Teresa Margolles, «Mesa y dos bancos», Town Hall of Basel

  • Marinella Senatore, «Protest Forms: Public Opinion Descend Upon the Demonstrators», Facade Kunstmuseum Basel Neubau / Historisches Museum Basel. Haus zum Kirschgarten

  • Augustas Serapinas, «Standtune for the square», Münsterplatz

  • Hannah Weinberger, «We didn’t want to leave. live», Dreispitz

  • Krzysztof Wodiczko, «Sans-Papiers/Kunstmuseum Basel Projection», Facade Kunstmuseum Basel Hauptbau

Positions and collaborations were selected by Elena Filipovic (then Kunsthalle Basel), Ines Goldbach (Kunsthaus Baselland), Daniel Kurjaković (Kunstmuseum Basel), and Samuel Leuenberger (SALTS/Art Basel Parcours).

This project was made possible by Swisslos-Fonds Basel-Stadt and Basel-Landschaft. Art Basel supported the project organizationally.