• Tour

Open Studio im Atelier Mondial

Meet the current guest artists at Atelier Mondial Dreispitz, Basel:

Andisheh Karami is our Writer in Residence from Iran (in cooperation with the Literaturhaus Basel). Sergio Chávez Ahuate is from Oaxaca, Mexico. He will be present at the Artstübli in the exhibition "Wider than me". Yara Asmar is a musician from Beirut, Lebanon (in cooperation with Pro Helvetia Cairo). I Made Muliana from Tampaksiring, Gianyar, Bali (in cooperation with Kulturstiftung Basel H. Geiger). He will present his works in the exhibition "roots" at the KBHG.

  • Friday, 30. August
  • Language independent
  • English
  • German
  • Español
  • Wheelchair accessible
Photo: Lisanne Vreeke